About RATH

Who We Are and What We Do

The Rath Senior ConNEXTions Center is a non-profit free service.  Our mission is to provide seniors 50+ with education, resources, services, advocacy and leadership enabling them to age with independence and dignity.

Start Aging with Independence and Dignity, with Access to:

Senior Scholars Education Program

Enjoy learning in a congenial atmosphere.  Educators are knowledgeable and encourage lively discussions.

Referral Hub

Easy access to Assistance, resources and support groups.  Let the Rath Senior ConNEXTions Center help direct you to the right resources.

Ongoing seminars and meetings

Access to current information and research related to healthcare, social services,housing, transportation and mental health.

Inter-Generational Focus on Families

Get Connected to Available Community Services for You and Your Family

Our inter-generational approach provides a hub where seniors are given referrals and information to help them “age in place”.  Individuals are referred to providers assisting to meet their needs.  This community-based volunteer center coordinates with state, local,and private organizations to facilitate provision of services.

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